Thank you for joining us. On this page, you will find out what to expect at our meetings, how to nominate a charity, presentation tips and what to do if you are unable to attend a meeting.
To vote for a charity at a meeting, you must be a member before the meeting. To become a member register on the Join page of our website prior to attending a meeting.
At the beginning of the meeting, three charities will be chosen from our "Charity Basket" which is filled with Charity Nominations from our members
The member who nominated the selected charity (or her designated speaker) will be asked to give a five-minute presentation on why they nominated the charity
After the three presentations, members will cast a secret ballot for one of the three charities
While committee members are tabulating the results, the charity that was awarded funds at our previous meeting will share how our contribution helped their organization
Committee members will announce the Awarded Charity
Members will write a cheque to the Awarded Charity or send an e-transfer.See detailed instructions under “MAKING DONATIONS” below.
Members are encouraged to come early or stay late to network and support our venue sponsors
Please make your donation ahead of, or at the meeting.
By etransfer - the easiest way! (We have autodeposit so no password needed.)
Send to $100 to
Prepay $400 to cover the 4 meetings this year. Many members prepay so there's no need to think about it for each meeting or if you're away.
By cheque - Make out to 100 Women Who Care Oceanside
Write a $100 cheque at the meeting or give it to a member you know who is attending the meeting.
Prepay by cheques. You can write either one $400 cheque for the year or 4 $100 cheques post-dated for each of the upcoming meetings. You can date them for the second Wednesday in Janary, Aprl, July and October.
If you prepay, we will ensure that your four $100 donations go to the selected charities and you will receive corresponding receipts.
All the charities that are added to the charity basket must meet the following criteria:
Commit to spending a substantial portion of funds awarded by our members in the Oceanside community.
Be a registered Canadian charity.
Able to provide individual tax receipts to our members.
Agree not to solicit our members directly for further contributions.
Agree not to create, sell or distribute a list with our members' contact information.
After funds have been awarded, provide a spokesperson to present to our members at our next meeting.
Must not have been a 100 + Women Who Care - Oceanside Awarded Charity in the past three years
To nominate a charity please complete the following:
Ensure your charity meets the requirements of a Qualified Charity.
Fill out a Charity Nomination Form two weeks before the next members' meeting.
Create a five-minute presentation that you or your designate will give if your charity is chosen at an upcoming meeting.
Provide Organizing Committee with a copy of your presentation if you do not want to speak in public, or if you will be away and don't have another member to speak on your behalf.
​As our membership has grown steadily to over 300 members, some local charities may feel they can no longer stand for nomination, as their charity’s annual budget or needs are significantly lower than the total donated funds. As we would like all local charities to have an opportunity to be considered for a collective donation by 100+ Women Who Care Oceanside members, we have come up with an approach that will allow 2 charities to equally share the total donated funds. Therefore, we are immediately changing our policy as follows.
Charity nominators will now be asked to designate whether they want their charity to be considered for either 100% or just 50% of the total donated funds from 100+ Women Who Care Oceanside.
All of the charity nominations will be placed in Basket #1 for consideration at the meeting. In addition, all of the charity nominations that are designated to receive only 50% of the funds will be duplicated and placed in Basket #2. If a charity nomination is drawn and the charity is interested in receiving 100% of the proceeds, that charity will be considered and voted upon individually. However, if a charity nomination is drawn and the charity is interested in receiving only 50% of the proceeds, another charity nomination will then be pulled from Basket #2 and those 2 charities will then be jointly considered for 50% of the donated funds each.
Example. Charity ABC is drawn from Basket #1 and the nomination designates they wish to receive 100% of the funds. Charity DEF is the next charity drawn from the Basket #1 and the nomination designates they wish to receive 50% of the funds. To determine which charity will be considered jointly with Charity DEF, another nomination is drawn from Basket #2 (which only contains the names of the charities that wish to receive 50% of the funds.) If Charity GHI is drawn from Basket #2, Charities DEF and GHI will then be considered a joint nomination and will be voted on together as one choice. A 3rd charity would then be drawn from Basket #1 to complete the roster of 3 choices to be voted upon.
If a charity is drawn out of either basket more than once, the nomination that was first pulled will be considered and the second nomination will be set aside for that meeting.
Many charities have more than one nomination in the basket at one time. However, there is no requirement that every nominator must choose the same percentage of funds to receive if their nomination is drawn.
Example. Member #1 nominates Charity ABC and designates them to receive 100% of the funds, if successful. However, Member #2 nominates the same charity, but designates that if successful, the charity will only receive 50% of the funds. It is the decision of each nominator when their nomination is made.
Regardless of whether a charity is being considered for 50% or 100% of the donated funds, each of the charities’ designated speakers will have 5 minutes to speak about their charity.
When members are voting, the 2 charities that would share the donations to receive 50% each will be considered together as one vote. If a handwritten ballot has the name of only one of the charities on it, that ballot will still be considered a joint vote for both charities.
If a joint charity nomination is successful in receiving the most votes at a meeting, each member’s $100 will be split equally between the 2 charities. Therefore, each member will receive a separate charitable donation receipt of $50 from each of the charities.
Whether a charity receives 50% or 100% of the funds, it will not be eligible to be considered again for nomination for a period of 3 years after the receiving the funds.
Members nominate qualified charities by the deadline, at least two weeks before the meeting.
If more than one member nominates a charity, it will receive more than one nomination in the basket.
Each member may have only one nomination in the charity basket at any time. She can withdraw a nomination and replace it with another at any time by contacting us.
Once a charity has been awarded funds, it will not be eligible for nomination for three years.
For a list of charities who have been awarded funds click here.
You want your nominated charity to receive a donation of $25,000 or more, so make sure you develop a 5-minute presentation that is compelling. Be personal, be passionate and let the members of 100+ Women Who Care - Oceanside know why you support your chosen charity. Are you one of their volunteers? Do you sit on their board? Do you work for them? Has the charity affected you or someone you know in a personal way? Or do you just feel strongly about the work they do? Whatever your reason for supporting your chosen charity, make sure that if your Charity Nomination Form is selected, you give your charity the best chance to win. Your 5-minute presentation is key, and although it will be low-tech (sorry, we don't have time for PowerPoint presentations), you can easily develop a presentation that resonates with 100+ Women Who Care - Oceanside members.
In the first minute of your presentation, introduce your chosen charity. Tell our members about the charity: who they are, what they do, how they do it, the people they serve, and the impact they have.
Tell the audience why you're passionate about your chosen charity and the work they do. Let members know how the organization makes a difference and demonstrate how they have made an impact by telling a personal story or the story of someone else. Testimonials and real-life events will help your audience make an emotional connection with the charity, and leave members with a better understanding of the organization's value.
If your chosen charity receives a donation where will the money go? Members want to make a wise choice about the charity they select, so you need to be informed. Will the money be applied to the general operating budget to help your chosen charity grow? Will funds be used to purchase supplies, materials or technology? Will the donation be used to expand a program or service? You don't need to memorize financial statements or go into detail, but be informed and take the time to find out how a 100+ Women Who Care - Oceanside donation will be used.
Make sure you practice your presentation. Being familiar with your material will give you confidence, help the flow of your presentation and ensure that you keep it to five minutes.
Use your presentation time to inform and inspire. Even if your chosen charity doesn't receive a donation, just educating the audience about your chosen charity is beneficial. As a result of your presentation, some of our members may access the charities' services, talk to others about the charity, make a donation, become a volunteer or get on the charity's board. Whatever happens, your presentation will have a positive impact, so use your time wisely. And remember, you are among a group of committed and supportive women who want you and your nominated charity to succeed. Speak from the heart.
You never know when something will come up and keep you from a meeting. Prepare for unexpected events by giving a copy of your presentation to another 100+ Women Who Care - Oceanside member, or send it to and one of our committee members will present on your behalf.
[Thanks for the presentation tips, 100+Women Who Care Mid Island, which adapted 100+ Women Who Care Victoria, BC website, which was adapted from the 100 Women Who Care Chicago website.